A $25 gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes and Noble--your choice--delivered straight to your inbox.
As per the usual blog contest stuff, here's the scoop:
One entry if you follow me.
One more if you post this contest on your blog.
One more if you tweet about this contest.
One more if you follow me on twitter. @juliedaines
Up to four entries per person. Just post in the comments how many entries you have scored along with the links to them for verification.
(Link for blog entries. If you follow me on twitter or @ me, Twitter will notify me.)
Sunday, February 5, 2012, 10 PM Mountain Time is the cut-off for entry.
Wait! There's more! As a special surprise to me--which is quite amazing considering this all happened randomly--I received two--count 'em TWO--blog awards. My birthday keeps getting better and better!
Here they are, in the order I received them:

I received this from a cool writer I recently met (virtually) named Nikki Jefford. She's a great lady and has had lots of amazing experiences. Thanks Nikki!
In keeping with the general rules of blog awards, here how this blog award goes down:
- In a post on your blog, nominate 15 sister bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award. (Fifteen isn’t mandatory, but it’s a nice gesture. Try and pick at least five.)
- In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
- In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to their blog.
- In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
- In the same post, include this set of rules.
- Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
The lucky recipients of The Versatile Blogger Award are:
- The Utah Children's Writers. I hope its not cheating because I'm a member of this blog. But this blog has lots of great advice for writers of picture books, middle grade, and young adult writers.
- Brooke at Silver Lining. Brooke is not a writer, but her posts are beautifully written and fun to read.
- Taffy at Taffy's Writing. She's always got something fun on her blog.
- Sarah M. Eden. I don't know if Sarah is collecting blog awards because she's already a big-time author, but I had to give her one anyway. Her I Need Friends Friday interviews are some of the most hilarious stuff out there in the blogoshpere. And her books are awesome too.
- Jonene at The Wonderful Obsessions. She not only writes great stories, but she has cool step by step instructions of watercolor painting.
Well, since this is already too long, please click on the tab above entitled The Story of Me. Scroll past the boring bio and skip straight to Things I've done. There's lots of random stuff there! Trust me.
Award #Two:
I received this from the awesome Shell Flower at Tangent Shell. She's got a fun blog where she talks about writing, reading, and all kinds of interesting stuff! Thanks Shell!
Once again, the rules:
The rules are simple: Name 5 blogs with under 200 followers that are totally awesome and deserve the award. Link to those five blogs, as well as the blogger who awarded the award, and let your picks know they are the winners. Share the love and help an undiscovered blog find the readership it deserves. Yet another reason the blogging community rocks!
Here are my 5 blog choices.
- Tiffany over at Scribble by Moonlight. She is a wonderful author who has put writing on hiatus to work a day job, but she still reviews lots of great YA fiction.
- Yamile at The Che Boricuas. An amazing writer from Argentina who writes the most beautiful stories in English!
- Jamie Theler is a super writer and she helps organize one of the best local writer's conferences, LDStorymakers.
- T.J. at They Won't Get Us. He writes and posts these crazy and scary short stories about zombies and other horrors. The babysitter one freaked me out.
- Valynne. Another very talented writer who also posts slices of the hilarity of parenthood.
Whew! That was a lot of work. Thanks to everyone for the awards!