Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Devil is in the Detail

My husband's company owns a cabin up in the mountains about an hour from our home. We got a turn to stay there over Presidents Day weekend. HOLY LUXURY!

Here are a few pictures of my favorite features:
The cool sink in the guest bathroom

Amazing beams in the main room.

Nifty pull-up toilet

The light over the jacuzzi
Count 'em - 3! shower
heads in the master bath.

Lichen that hitched a
ride into the cabin on the stones
of the fireplace mantel.

Which doors are the refrigerator and
which is the pantry?

*Special thanks to blogger for randomly configuring the pictures into it's own idea of an arrangement. 

What does this have to do with writing, you might ask. Well, I'll tell you.

From these small bits of detail, you probably get a better idea of the kind of place we stayed at than if I would have posted a landscape view of the whole cabin.

It's the same with writing--especially description. Often, a few small but carefully chosen details can convey more to the reader than paragraphs of descriptive eloquence.  

And to finish it off, a nice pic of me and two of my young'uns in the hot tub.


  1. Great comparison and great trip it looks like!

    1. Hi and thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet you.

  2. I want to stay in that cabin!! :)

    LOVE the new look of your blog. You're awesome.

    1. I want to make it clear that this in NOT the cabin we will be staying in on our retreat in March. Not even close. :)

  3. Looks like an amazing cabin! I hope you had a fun weekend.

    1. It was awesome. We'll take you there someday. Who knows when we can get it again.

  4. I know exactly what you mean. One thing that drives me crazy when I am reading a story is over description of someone or something. Most of the time when I am reading a story I already have an idea of what I want the character to look like as I read the story. So I don't want to hear a bunch of descriptions, I just want the story! I try to put this into my own writings and and hope that people can see their own vision of the story. If that makes sense haha.

    1. I agree. Description is great as long as it is pertinent and helps forward the plot. Another case of less is more.
